Nearly 9 in 10 Americans (89%) say water (any type, from any source) is among their most preferred beverages (up from 83% in 2022).
Americans’ love for bottled water (still and/or sparkling, unflavored and/or flavored) is growing, as 69% say the convenient and healthy packaged drink was among their most preferred non-alcoholic beverages (up from 65% in 2022), compared to soda (regular and/or diet) at 61% and coffee at 60%. That statistic aligns with the fact that bottled water continues to be America’s No. 1 beverage, outselling soda (by volume) for the eighth year in a row in 2023 and is projected to remain on top again in 2024, according to Beverage Marketing Corporation (BMC).
Many bottled water drinkers are also informed about the environmental impact of drink packaging, with 44% correctly choosing recyclable plastic (PET, HDPE, PC) as having the least impact on the environment (compared to glass, carton or aluminum). Glass bottles, paperboard cartons, and aluminum cans all create more waste, emit more greenhouse gases, and use more water and energy to produce.
Nine in 10 Americans (90%) say bottled water should be available wherever other drinks are sold.
If plain bottled water is not available when people are away from home, 68% of those who identify bottled water as among their most preferred beverages say they would choose another packaged drink: soda (18%), sports drink (7%), tea (7%), juice/fruit drinks (6%), sparkling bottled water (6%), functional water (5%), coffee (5%), sweetened bottled water (4%) bottled tea (4%), energy drink (4%), flavored bottled water (2%), and other (1%). One percent say they would stay thirsty. And the remaining 31% would choose water from other sources, with 10% saying they would drink filtered tap water, 11% who would drink water from a water cooler using a refillable or disposable cup, 6% whowould drink tap water, and 5% who would drink from a drinking fountain. (Figures do not add up to 100% due to rounding.)
Eleven percent of Americans say they drink only tap or filtered tap water, while 18% said they drink only bottled water. Seventy-one percent of Americans drink both bottled water and tap or filtered tap water. And of bottled water drinkers that have a packaging preference (88%), 75% prefer to purchase plastic bottles, 16% prefer to purchase glass, 6% prefer metal cans and 3% prefer cartons.
“Drinking water—whether it’s tap, bottled, or filtered—should always be encouraged,” says Jill Culora, IBWA’s vice president of communications. “With the high rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease in our on-the-go society, bottled water provides a safe, healthy, and, as is noted in your story, convenient beverage choice.”