With over 30 years of experience in recycling, a huge network and knowledge base in secondary raw materials has emerged. Headquartered in the Netherlands, and with global partners and local agents, DPR are serving customers worldwide.
OBP certification
The vast majority (80%) of plastics that pollute oceans originate from land. Needless to say, it is easier and cheaper to collect these plastics before they end up in the oceans, than once they have sunk to the bottom of the oceans or are dispersed as a soup of micro-particles for the plastics that remain floating. It is therefore logical and important that DPR focus their efforts on removing Ocean Bound Plastics from the environment before it is too late.
To reinforce this commitment, Control Union (CU) has set up the OBP certification program together with NGO Zero Plastics Oceans.
For Dutch PET Recycling, certification means that all the conditions for the quality mark have been met enabling DPR to sell their products with the claim “OBP certified”. And also that, together with their successful certified suppliers the company can cover a large part of the chain.
Added value
The added value of OBP certification lies mainly in the transparency of the entire recycling process. The new end product or the new raw material for a producer can be demonstrably traced back to the moment it was collected as waste, before it threatened to end up in the ocean.