The new proposal of Wisecap® represents a complete solution for your capping needs on all glass neck finishes and for any kind of liquid: it's compatible with cold and hot fill process, pasteurized and carbonated beverages.
ALISEO can be fully customized outside and inside: the superior quality of the printing pushes your brand even further with a huge variety of possible color combinations and logos.
Wisecap® CEO Alessandro Delfanti explains that “our brand new and cutting-edge manufacturing lines stand for long term commitment with our clients and partners. This new proposal was created to offer the full range of caps for the beverage industry and be a unique partner for our clients and partners”.
“The trade winds are permanent and regular, like our company. We chose the name ALISEO for our new closure because we permanently target meeting and exceeding the expectations of our clients in a regular way” explained the CCO of the Wisecap® Group Luca Nanetti.”
ALISEO, “only those who dare may fly”. ― Luis Sepúlveda,