Piovan Summiteer Oktober 2024

New Analytical Equipment in the AC&S (Additive Center & Service) at Gabriel-Chemie Austria

2:29 min Additives
Gumpoldskirchen, Austria

Since the beginning of 2010 the analytical possibilities in the AC&S laboratory have been continuously extended. The now doubled-in-size lab contains four new modern measurement devices that offer new possibilities in product development, quality control, handling of customer complaints and customer care:1.) DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) “Mettler Polymer DSC” (since spring 2010)This device replaces its outdated forerunner and makes muchmore accurate measurements possible. It measures meltingpoints, glass transitions and crystallisation of a sample, whatenables us to identify polymers and waxes, to assess theperformance of nucleating agents and to carry out specialmeasurements like OIT.2.) TGA (ThermoGravimetric Analysis) “Mettler TGA 1100”Upon heating to at maximum 1100°C, the weight of a sample changes by decomposition or combustion at high temperature. By measuring this change of weight with the TGA we can perform very accurate quantitative analysis, for example the determination of the concentration of certain fillers (e.g. chalk), carbon black and several organic compounds in a sample. Also determination of already known components of a sample by comparison of decomposition rate and temperature are possible. With the TGA we can now conduct investigations that were until now only possible together with external contractors. 3.) Infrared Spectrometer “Bruker Tensor 27”Basically also a replacement for an outdated device it offers afeature unique on the market: It is equipped with a seconddetector for the analysis of the gases that evolve during thedecomposition of a sample in the TGA, so also unknowncomponents can be identified.4.) UV/VIS (Ultra Violet/VISual Light) spectrometer “Shimadzu UV-1800”Since the forerunner of this device is much older than the most of our apprentices it does not meet today’s analytical requirements also here the time for a better instrument has come. This spectrometer measures the transmission of visual and ultraviolet light through a sample (e.g. a bottle wall or a film). So colour spectra can be measured and the performance of UV absorbers can be assessed. Of course this is only a short overview - tailor-made solutions can be developed for different analytical challenges.

Since the beginning of 2010 the analytical possibilities in the AC&S laboratory have been continuously extended. 

The now doubled-in-size lab contains four new modern measurement devices that offer new possibilities in product development, quality control, handling of customer complaints and customer care:

1.) DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) “Mettler Polymer DSC” (since spring 2010)

This device replaces its outdated forerunner and makes muchmore accurate measurements possible. It measures meltingpoints, glass transitions and crystallisation of a sample, whatenables us to identify polymers and waxes, to assess theperformance of nucleating agents and to carry out specialmeasurements like OIT.

2.) TGA (ThermoGravimetric Analysis) “Mettler TGA 1100”

Upon heating to at maximum 1100°C, the weight of a sample changes by decomposition or combustion at high temperature.

By measuring this change of weight with the TGA we can perform very accurate quantitative analysis, for example the determination of the concentration of certain fillers (e.g. chalk), carbon black and several organic compounds in a sample.

Also determination of already known components of a sample by comparison of decomposition rate and temperature are possible.

With the TGA we can now conduct investigations that were until now only possible together with external contractors.

3.) Infrared Spectrometer “Bruker Tensor 27”

Basically also a replacement for an outdated device it offers afeature unique on the market: It is equipped with a seconddetector for the analysis of the gases that evolve during thedecomposition of a sample in the TGA, so also unknowncomponents can be identified.

4.) UV/VIS (Ultra Violet/VISual Light) spectrometer “Shimadzu UV-1800”

Since the forerunner of this device is much older than the most of our apprentices it does not meet today’s analytical requirements also here the time for a better instrument has come. This spectrometer measures the transmission of visual and ultraviolet light through a sample (e.g. a bottle wall or a film). So colour spectra can be measured and the performance of UV absorbers can be assessed.

Of course this is only a short overview - tailor-made solutions can be developed for different analytical challenges.

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