In the field of auxiliary equipment, Eisbär manufactures systems to improve quality and productivity for the plastics industry, specializing in products to avoid condensation on cooled moulds and drying of plastic resin. Eisbär systems are focused on high throughputs up to 5.000 kg/h.
Additional, as recycling post consume plastics is gaining more and more importance, Eisbär has developed systems to handle the special requirements of these materials. Eisbär systems are processing flakes, cleaning different materials and supporting a higher quality of the regranulated plastics.
Eisbär recycling range
Eisbär is offering systems for processing recycled plastics and to upgrade them:
- Eisbär Crystallizer When proceeding amourphus PET flakes the usage of a crystallizer is indispensable. The flakes are treated in a hopper with a rotating stirring (fig. 1) under a temperature of 130 – 140 °C for 1 – 3 hours, depending on the degree of crystallisation. After this procedure the flakes are ready for the next production step, for example the drying.
- Eisbär dryer GDS Recycled flakes or granule must be dried at some points (fig.2), either for reaching a certain amount of residual moisture, cleaning the material or to reach a dealdehydisation. This process contributes an important step to reach food approval via FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) or EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). Another field for Eisbär dryers is to remove contaminations out of recycled plastics. The drying technology is working with a slowly rotating adsorption wheel with its multitude of honeycombed, axially aligned tunnels (fig. 2). This technology allows a very continious drying process and a residual moisture of 30 ppm.
- Eisbär mixing and dosing units Eisbär mixing and dosing units are available gravimetric or volumetric and in different sizes (fig. 3). Especially for recycled materials converters often mix virgin and recycled materials to get the best results for the product.
- Eisbär conveying systems Flakes and regranule have a big range in bulk density, flow properties and and dust content. The expertise of Eisbär enables conveying of up to 5.000 kg/h, for all free-flowing materials.
- Eisbär testing center Eisbär does have a test center in the headquarter. Customers are able to let perform different kind of tests with granule or flakes. The plastics are proceeded in a material dryer for a certain time and temperature. After completion the materials are ready to be analyzed for any sort of contamination in a chemical institute.
Experience and knowledge
The experience of Eisbär as an established manufacturer with extensive practical knowledge and focus in understanding the customer requirements is an outstanding strength. The customer therefore has a flexible partner with Eisbär for new, competitive and energy-efficient tailor-made system solutions. Another important Eisbär competence is digitalisation and clearly structured visualisation as well as data connectivity of all operational data for efficient control and maintenance.
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