It’s time for Drinktec again, after four years that havepassed quickly and positively for REPI, multinationalproducer of liquid colours and additives for plastics, witha focus on the plastic packaging applications. Locatedat the heart of the PetPoint section, REPI will welcomevisitors to present its latest developments in liquidsolutions for the packaging industry.Liquid colours acting as a barrier to extend the productshelf life, speciality additives to protect sauces, juices,dairy products from UV and visible light damage andanalysis instruments to help packaging producers putsafe and reliable containers on the market.Its high performance barrier line for long life (UHTand ESL) dairy product applications allow monolayercontainers to extend products’ shelf life by providing thenecessary protection from UV and light degradation.Custom made UV additive ranges, formulated to meetcustomers’ requirements enable them to over specifiedand expensive solutions, resulting in cost efficientpackaging and providing exactly the right protectionevery time.REPI will also present its Light Meter upgraded version.In the perspective of offering an all-round solutionrather than just a product, REPI has been working overthe years next to its customers building ties with themas partners. In this scenario, not only is the colour andadditive formulation important, but also the availabilityof accurate dosing and analysis instruments to rely on formeasuring the real presence and properties of the colour/additive in the final packaging. This is what the LightMeter is able to offer, and its latest version promises tooffer the user dramatic advantages in this direction.The bright white booth will function as a meeting pointwhere its “Colour Explorers” Team will welcome guests,to discuss new projects and perform live demonstrationsof instruments and equipment.
The Austrian closure specialist will be present with it sown booth in hall A4.417, but also showing multiple moulds with its machinery partners. Netstal is running a 32-cavity mould for an 38mm closure fitting to their preform application on booth A4.321, Sumitomo Demag is running a 72-cavity mould for a 26mm closure at very fastcycle time on booth A4.123 and also Arburg is running a z-moulds application with the patented z-slides® system on their booth at A4.323.
Guang Dong Xing Lian Precise Machinery Co., Ltd. (GDXL)will be exhibiting its high quality molds for beveragepackaging, including PET blow mold, preform mold,closure mold, hot runner, project retrofit and conversionparts.
Hall A4.318
Husky will be demonstratingits Multi-Layer Technology
Husky Injection Molding Systems is well known throughout theindustry for its range of fully integrated system solutions for allvolumes and applications in the segments of carbonated softdrinks, dairy products, juices and sensitive beverages that not onlymaximize productivity and part quality, but also help to improvethe design and functionality of the complete package, includingpreforms for bottles and closures. Husky will be demonstratingits revolutionary Multi-Layer Technology, which is running on thecompany’s proven HyPET HPP5 preform manufacturing solution.
The system will be producing a 17 gram carbonated soft drinkapplication capable of running a very special barrier material togas permeation that is biodegradable and has little to no impacton conventional recycling streams. Introduced in 2015, Multi-Layer Technology has already seen positive results with earlyadopter customers and has capability to truly revolutionize thePET and packaging industries because of the potential it offersto unlock real growth. This is made possible by the ability to costeffectively enhance the performance of the package to providemore decorative and barrier capability, all while providing a safeand secure product, a better looking package, and at a verycompetitive part price. The system will also be equipped with anintegrated LayerWatcher preform inspection system to provideautomated assurance of barrier protection and package security.In addition, the system will be equipped with the company’saward-winning Self-cleaning Technology, which significantlyreduces downtime by eliminating hundreds of hours of moldmaintenance a year. Such developments require the integrationof technologies within the mold, hot runner and machine processcontrols and only through this integrated system approach couldsuch breakthroughs be achieved. Husky will also be highlightingits complete range of services, such as those delivered in itsglobal packaging development and prototyping centers that helpensure the success of its customers.
Hall A4.338
Agr will be exhibiting an array of products for managing theproduction and quality of beverage containers
Agr International, Inc. will be exhibiting an array of productsfor managing the production and quality of beveragecontainers. Featured at this year’s show will be Agr’s latestdevelopments for advanced blowmolder management, shelflifecontrol, and pressurized container testing.BLOWMOLDER MANAGEMENTThe Process Pilot® with CrystalView® automated blowmoldermanagement system is ideal for beverage producers that selfmanufacturePET bottles. The Process Pilot product groupoffers precise material thickness distribution managementon PET bottles, while offering hands-off blowmolder control.With the trend towards ever lighter bottles, the Process Pilotsystem offers producers the ability to aggressively lightweight bottles to the absolute minimum while providing theconfidence that material is distributed appropriately, withproper thickness in all critical areas, on every bottle produced.Not only does this product simplify and stabilize the productionof PET bottles, but it also provides the versatility to managebottle production in a manner most suitable to the productand application.
Fig 1: Agr’s Process
Pilot blowmolder
automated control
system provides the
versatility to manage
bottle production in a
manner most suitable
to the product and
Whether the goal is to make the lightestbottle possible, process preforms of mixed lineage, improvebottle shelf-life and performance characteristics, save energyor just run a stable process 24/7, the Process Pilot productgroup offers a means to realize this goal profitably and withconfidence.SHELF-LIFEShelf-life management is an important but tediousmeasurement.
Agr will feature several products that provideimmediate determination of the permeability and shelf-lifeperformance of newly produced PET bottles. These productsmake it possible to effectively manage (in real-time) a bottle’sshelf-life performance for oxygen ingress, CO2 or water loss.PRESSURE AND VOLUMEWhether your final product is packaged in a PET bottle, PETkeg, aluminum bottle or glass bottle, accurate volume andproper pressure performance is paramount to the efficacyof the finished beverage container. Agr offers several testingproducts designed to aid bottle makers and beverageproducers manage pressure and volume. The Agr PPT3000offers a versatile solution for measuring volume expansionand pressure performance of containers manufactured fromPET. Unlike other pressure testers, The PPT3000 actuallysimulates the rapid rise pressure profile that a containerexperiences during the filling cycle, providing valuable datathat can be used to prevent filling line downtime due topremature pressure breaks. The SPT2, Agr’s latest additionto its product group, is an automated glass bottle testingsystem that performs precision volume measurement aswell as pressure testing up to 1000 psi. Configurations areavailable for automated laboratory applications or along theproduction line as part of an automated sampling station.
Hall A4.336
makes it bigger French manufacturer 1 BLOW further develops its rangeof PET blow-moulding machines with the new 1XXL typethat is dedicated to the production of large containers:this 1-cavity machine has been designed with the highestflexibility as it can produce bottles from 5 litres up to 30litres. The 1XXL benefits from all features to reach highperformances and a consistently high bottle quality:servo drives are used in standard on mould movementas well as on the stretching system. Recovery systemsare also basically provided (power + blowing air) in orderto reduce the bottle production costs. Heating capacitymay handle thick preforms (> 10 mm) for one-way andreturnable containers. A neck orientation system isavailable optionally on the 1XXL machine.
Hall A4.350
KRONES: “Every four years,the drinktec is THE highlightof our industrial sector.“
This year, Krones will present at their stand innovationsfrom the packaging and filling machine world, coupled withinnovative IT solutions that show: The digital beveragefactory of the future is starting right now! One of themost important driving forces here is digitalisation whichis currently revolutionising the entire beverage industry,because the combination of steel and iron with clouds anddata interlinks all processes along the value chain even moreand will increase the production performance considerably.Of course Krones will also present their highlights of linetechnology: Using most innovative technology, becomingfaster and more flexible while saving resources and protectingthe environment – all these ideas and objectives are takingshape at the Krones stand. So numerous innovationswhich provide maximum performance, lift individualityand flexibility to a new level and bring more sustainabilityinto production will be shown.
Of course, there are manymore things to discoveron 11,000 square metres exhibitionstand. As usual, you will find Krones in hall B6. If you cannotwait until to the exhibition, there will be a second mailingin July giving you a foretaste of our exhibit highlights.
Hall B6
AND&OR will be exhibitingthe handle applicatorSIAL 6000/SIALG 6000
Handle applicator SIAL6000 performs the insertion of(PP) lateral handles on PET bottles (from 2 up to 5 liters).The machine is based on a rotary continuous system andit is appropriate to be installed in the existing packagingline, on an existing conveyor and before the filling process.It allows to do the insertion of the lateral handle at speedsup to 15.000 bph.It takes advantage of PET technology vs HDPE. It alsoavoids to insert the lateral handle within the blowmoulding machine, which increase the possibilitiesto have problems in the blow moulding machine anddecrease the efficiency of the line. Moreover, by insertingthe handle outside the mould, in the packaging line, thespeeds achieved can be much higher, up to 15.000 bph.For end users consumers, pouring the liquid from a bottlewith lateral handle is much easier.
Hall A4.202
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