Piovan Summiteer Oktober 2024

(Photo credit: Avantium)


Avantium launches Releaf - Transforming plant-based feedstock into revolutionary packaging and textiles

1:29 min Biobased Material
Amstedam, Netherlands

Avantium announces the launch of the Releaf1 brand name for Avantium’s plant-based and recyclable polymer PEF (polyethylene furanoate). Releaf is set to help transform the plastics industry, providing sustainable and superior solutions for bottles, packaging, and textiles. It represents a future where sustainable choices are the norm, not the exception.

Releaf stands for relieving the planet from fossil plastics by plant-based solutions (symbolized with the leaf) and embracing the principles of recycling, renewing, and rethinking. To mark the launch of the Releaf brand, Avantium has unveiled the official Releaf website: Additionally, the Releaf plant-based plastic PEF will be showcased at this year’s Dutch Design Week, an annual event held in Eindhoven, Netherlands. DDW is the largest design event in Northern Europe, featuring the work and ideas of over 2,600 designers from around the world and attracting more than 300,000 visitors. This year’s DDW takes place from October 19 to 27, 2024.

Studio Hoogvliet Jongerius

Avantium has partnered with the renowned design studio Hoogvliet Jongerius to highlight the beauty and versatility of the Releaf plant-based plastic PEF. For this year’s DDW, Avantium and Hoogvliet Jongerius have created “From Plants to Plastics”, an installation that not only highlights the origins and benefits of Releaf but also showcases its artistic potential. The collaboration explores the diverse applications of Releaf plant-based plastic, from films and sheets to yarns, creating distinctive textures and structures. This versatility opens up a world of possibilities for designers and manufacturers alike, paving the way for more sustainable choices in various markets.

The “From Plants to Plastics’ installation is exhibited in Microlab during Dutch Design Week. Nienke Hoogvliet of Hoogvliet Jongerius, says, “Working with Releaf has been an eye-opening experience. We’ve been able to push the boundaries of what’s possible with sustainable materials, creating pieces that are not just eco-friendly, but truly beautiful.”

Jean Lai, Marketing & Branding Manager at Avantium, comments: “We are incredibly proud to launch the Releaf brand that embodies our commitment to sustainability. Releaf offers a sustainable alternative for bottles, packaging, and textiles. We are equally thrilled to collaborate with Studio Hoogvliet Jongerius for this year’s Dutch Design Week. Their creative vision and expertise have allowed us to showcase the beauty and versatility of Releaf, demonstrating that sustainable materials can be both functional and aesthetically stunning.”


1 Releaf is an EU registered trademark of Avantium


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