ALPLAinject stands for high-quality injection-moulded parts such as closures, caps, jars and multi-part packaging components such as pumps or deodorant sticks. With this new division, the international ALPLA Group is setting the course for further growth. The ALPLAinject brand brings together all human and technical resources in this area in one central organisational structure. It comprises a total of three core technologies – injection blow moulding and compression moulding in addition to injection moulding – as well as global toolmaking, development and sales.
Standardised processes, centralised product and technology development; and shorter distances will ensure greater flexibility and efficiency in the future. ‘With ALPLAinject, we are focusing on the specific requirements of the dynamic injection moulding market. We combine technological expertise and regional market knowledge, promote the global roll-out of innovative processes and enable our customers to bring new products to market faster,’ emphasises the new ALPLAinject Managing Director Michael Feltes, who had already been Business Development Director in the injection moulding section of the Group since October 2022. The global headquarters of ALPLAinject are located at the ALPLA headquarters in Hard. There are also global teams in all nine regions of the ALPLA Group.