After acquiring the SHELFPLUS®O2 product range from CIBA, the Hamburg-based distributor and compounder is leveraging its own development strength in the target segment of “packaging”. The goal of the development is to substantially increase the efficiency of the products by up to 500%, while optimising product quality at the same time. In a first step, the product portfolio will also be expanded by PAbased and PLA-based products.
“Initial projects in the USA and Europe have shown that there is great interest in the SHELFPLUS®O2 product line. In view of the performance, which can be optimised even further, and the resultant market potential, we have decided to make extensive investments in the areas of development and systems engineering, with the aim of enhancing and supplementing the product range,” explains Hans Rukes, Manager of the Technical Compounds division at ALBIS. “Our declared goal is to present the new generation of SHELFPLUS®O2 at the K 2010 trade fair,” adds Torsten Clasen, Product Manager for SHELFPLUS®O2.
SHELFPLUS®O2 is a batch of additives that acts as an oxygen absorber in packaging. For example, SHELFPLUS®O2 can significantly extend the shelf life of fresh or ready-cooked food, since it scavenges the destructive oxygen. SHELFPLUS®O2 is supplied as a MasterBatch, which gives packaging manufacturers a high degree of flexibility for use with a wide range of food and packaging types.
ALBIS PLASTIC GmbH Hans Rukes Tel.: +49 (0)40 - 78105-241 Fax: +49 (0)40 - 78105-361 |