
(Photo credit: TOMRA)

Digital portal

TOMRA Collection launches developer portal to support its suite of APIs

1:16 min DigitizationSorting and collection
Asker, Norway

TOMRA Collection has announced the launch of its new developer portal. The portal is home to TOMRA's selection of APIs, which offers development of digital solutions by integrating TOMRA's reverse vending machines with customers' own IT platforms.

It is available for customers at, where a password is required to access the documentation

The portal aims to give TOMRA’s customers – typically grocery retailers and depots serving as recycling return points – fast, easy and structured information about the APIs, enabling efficient and seamless integration in an increasingly digital world. 

Reverse vending machines for recycling drink containers are already highly connected via an IoT (Internet of Things) platform. The machines transfer large amounts of transaction data each day in order to reconcile the bottles recycled with the money refunded. With the addition of APIs, the data capabilities of reverse vending machines are extended further, making it part of retailers’ digital ecosystems. 

TOMRA’s suite of APIs includes the recently announced Digital Payout, which enables consumers to receive the deposit refunds for their returned containers through stores' own apps and loyalty programs, instead of being paid out as a paper voucher. Other APIs enable customers to expand the data available for reporting, making it possible to achieve a much more detailed view of consumer sessions and the bottles and cans being returned. Also available is functionality that enables retail store staff to receive notifications about their reverse vending machine via their own app, such as when a storage bin is full. 

“Enabling our customers to work more efficiently and gain greater insights has been at the heart of creating the TOMRA Collection Developer Portal," said Christian Shepherd Hovde, Senior Digital Advisor at TOMRA. Reverse vending machines are already highly digitally connected, and our suite of TOMRA APIs serves to expand these capabilities to meet the evolving needs of the retail industry. It’s an exciting step in our continuing digital journey at TOMRA and a key milestone in offering a digital user journey for recyclers.”

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