“One of the reasons for our economic success is our diversified machine portfolio,” explained Angelika Huemer, Managing Partner of Starlinger. “On the one hand, we supply woven sack production machinery to the woven plastic packaging market, on the other hand, we manufacture recycling systems for a wide range of plastics. As an export-oriented company, we deliver to countries all over the world and can compensate the recession in one region with the economic upturn in another.” In the past fiscal year, Starlinger achieved an export ratio of 99.43 %. For its export activities, the company has been awarded the Austrian Export Prize twice already.
Sustainable plastic packaging – from production to recycling
Starlinger has made a name for itself on the global market as a manufacturer of systems for the production of woven plastic bags since the early 1970s. After delivering the first recycling systems for production waste from woven polypropylene sack manufacture in 1987, the division Starlinger recycling technology was founded in 2002, followed by the division Starlinger viscotec in 2005. Both divisions focus on the recycling and refinement of plastic waste and constitute important pillars of the company. “Our aim is to create closed loops for as many plastic products as possible and thus avoid downcycling,” said Harald Neumüller, CSO of Starlinger. “When a PET bottle becomes a PET bottle and a woven sack becomes a woven sack again, we have achieved our goal.”