With increased environmental consciousness and growing food prices, consumers are trying to reduce food waste as much as possible. Re-closable packaging is getting more and more popular as it is easy to use and helps to make food last longer. Re-closable packaging reduces moisture loss/gain, microbial growth and preserves the flavor of the food.
Thanks to its unique composition, the final hotmelt adhesive manufactured by Henkel allows for a smooth first opening while maintaining desired reopening and reclosure properties on amorphous polyethylene terephthalate (APET) and polyolefin trays - even after multiple repetitions. Henkel found this solution to be more advantageous than previously used technologies. “It’s the first time we are using this type of solution for re-closable packaging,” says Dirk Kasper, Head of Product Development Packaging Adhesives Europe at Henkel. “Thanks to its product design, our re-closable hotmelt provides processing advantages compared with current market alternatives. This is about its very good compatibility with coextruded materials such as polyethylene (PE) or polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PET-G) and stable film-blowing. Additionally, it shows long lasting re-closability properties.”