


1:80 min ONE:24

Dear Readers,

PET stands for sustainability and circular economy. This success is no coincidence, but the result of the consistent implementation of innovative ideas by clever minds in companies along the entire PET packaging value chain - be it bottles or trays.

As we all know, success is the product of many minds - and this is absolutely true for the PET system. At the moment, one might get the impression that PET recycling is the only way to achieve sustainability. The importance of PET recycling is undisputed, but at eye level it is also the sustainable and production-relevant solutions in the PET bottle system itself that establish and continue the success story.

The environmental and economic challenges are far from over. Enormous efforts and creative input are required to meet future market demands, with the Design for Recycling principle becoming even more important.

Heads are spinning in the industry’s R&D and strategy departments, and thanks to the relentless effort, packaging and processes are becoming even more efficient and sustainable. In this issue, you will read about switching from PE to PET for dairy products, optimising sorting and extending the systems approach to closure production - just to name a few topics with huge innovation and sustainability potential.

And - by the way - at PETnology Europe 2024, you can discuss all the latest issues and developments with the industry’s top experts. Find out first-hand how a retailer and a dairy manufacturer are making a sustainable switch from PE to PET, listen to the panel discussion on efficiency requirements in preform production, and look forward to hearing about innovative developments from the industry’s key players.

Mark your calendar: PETnology Europe, 12-13 June 2024, Lake Zurich, Switzerland and join us.

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Otto Appel

PETnology/tecPET GmbH

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